Hybrid payment
Hybrid payment
- application/json
- application/xml
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body required
Hybrid Payment
- app_id int64 required
The unique ID of the application will be provided after the merchant registered successfully with Zalopay.
- identifier string required
user's identifier on the merchant system, it can be a merchant user's id, phone number, email...
- pay_token string required
The public token of the payer.
- app_user string required
The merchant ID.
- app_trans_id string required
Unique transaction ID of application, format: yyMMddxxxxxxxxx. Max length is 40. For example: 180208181007242
- app_time int64 required
The timestamp that order was created at in ms. The different limit is 15 mitnutes.
- amount int64 required
Amount of money will be charged.
- description string required
Users will see this text when they are in the confirm payment screen.
- item string required
JSON string describes order items.
- embed_data string required
Application's own data. Use
if empty".
JSON string include special information of order.
Specific embed_data's fields:
+ DataType: array string
+ Format:["domestic_card", "vietqr", "..."]
. Refer to here
+ Description: Used to display optional payment methods on the Zalopay portal, example:{"preferred_payment_method":["vietqr"]}
+ DataType: string
+ Format: URL
+ Description: Redirect to this url after successful / failure payment via Zalopay Gateway (This will override the merchant's redirect url registered with Zalopay). Example:{"redirecturl": "https://docs.Zalopay.vn/result"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"column_name": "value"}
+ Description: Add information into the section Management of transaction details on Merchant site, If the column does not yet exist, please go to the Display data configuration setting to configure. Example:{"columninfo": "{\"branch_id\": \"HCM\",\"store_id\": \"CH123\",\"store_name\": \"Saigon Centre\",\"mc_campaign_id\": \"FREESHIP\"}"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"campaigncode":"code"}
+ Description: Use to launch promotions campaign. Example:{"promotioninfo": "{\"campaigncode\":\"blackfriday\"}"}
+ DataType: string
+ Description: Payment information. Only needed when you need to receive money for different accounts. Zalopay system will generate a Payment code (corresponding to each partner bank account provided) and send it back to the partner to set up. Example:{"zlppaymentid": "P4201372"}
- mac string required
It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = app_id +
+ identifier +|
+ zp_trans_token +|
+ pay_token +|
+ req_date; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.
Request Body required
Hybrid Payment
- app_id int64 required
The unique ID of the application will be provided after the merchant registered successfully with Zalopay.
- identifier string required
user's identifier on the merchant system, it can be a merchant user's id, phone number, email...
- pay_token string required
The public token of the payer.
- app_user string required
The merchant ID.
- app_trans_id string required
Unique transaction ID of application, format: yyMMddxxxxxxxxx. Max length is 40. For example: 180208181007242
- app_time int64 required
The timestamp that order was created at in ms. The different limit is 15 mitnutes.
- amount int64 required
Amount of money will be charged.
- description string required
Users will see this text when they are in the confirm payment screen.
- item string required
JSON string describes order items.
- embed_data string required
Application's own data. Use
if empty".
JSON string include special information of order.
Specific embed_data's fields:
+ DataType: array string
+ Format:["domestic_card", "vietqr", "..."]
. Refer to here
+ Description: Used to display optional payment methods on the Zalopay portal, example:{"preferred_payment_method":["vietqr"]}
+ DataType: string
+ Format: URL
+ Description: Redirect to this url after successful / failure payment via Zalopay Gateway (This will override the merchant's redirect url registered with Zalopay). Example:{"redirecturl": "https://docs.Zalopay.vn/result"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"column_name": "value"}
+ Description: Add information into the section Management of transaction details on Merchant site, If the column does not yet exist, please go to the Display data configuration setting to configure. Example:{"columninfo": "{\"branch_id\": \"HCM\",\"store_id\": \"CH123\",\"store_name\": \"Saigon Centre\",\"mc_campaign_id\": \"FREESHIP\"}"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"campaigncode":"code"}
+ Description: Use to launch promotions campaign. Example:{"promotioninfo": "{\"campaigncode\":\"blackfriday\"}"}
+ DataType: string
+ Description: Payment information. Only needed when you need to receive money for different accounts. Zalopay system will generate a Payment code (corresponding to each partner bank account provided) and send it back to the partner to set up. Example:{"zlppaymentid": "P4201372"}
- mac string required
It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = app_id +
+ identifier +|
+ zp_trans_token +|
+ pay_token +|
+ req_date; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.
Request Body required
Hybrid Payment
- app_id int64 required
The unique ID of the application will be provided after the merchant registered successfully with Zalopay.
- identifier string required
user's identifier on the merchant system, it can be a merchant user's id, phone number, email...
- pay_token string required
The public token of the payer.
- app_user string required
The merchant ID.
- app_trans_id string required
Unique transaction ID of application, format: yyMMddxxxxxxxxx. Max length is 40. For example: 180208181007242
- app_time int64 required
The timestamp that order was created at in ms. The different limit is 15 mitnutes.
- amount int64 required
Amount of money will be charged.
- description string required
Users will see this text when they are in the confirm payment screen.
- item string required
JSON string describes order items.
- embed_data string required
Application's own data. Use
if empty".
JSON string include special information of order.
Specific embed_data's fields:
+ DataType: array string
+ Format:["domestic_card", "vietqr", "..."]
. Refer to here
+ Description: Used to display optional payment methods on the Zalopay portal, example:{"preferred_payment_method":["vietqr"]}
+ DataType: string
+ Format: URL
+ Description: Redirect to this url after successful / failure payment via Zalopay Gateway (This will override the merchant's redirect url registered with Zalopay). Example:{"redirecturl": "https://docs.Zalopay.vn/result"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"column_name": "value"}
+ Description: Add information into the section Management of transaction details on Merchant site, If the column does not yet exist, please go to the Display data configuration setting to configure. Example:{"columninfo": "{\"branch_id\": \"HCM\",\"store_id\": \"CH123\",\"store_name\": \"Saigon Centre\",\"mc_campaign_id\": \"FREESHIP\"}"}
+ DataType: json string
+ Format:{"campaigncode":"code"}
+ Description: Use to launch promotions campaign. Example:{"promotioninfo": "{\"campaigncode\":\"blackfriday\"}"}
+ DataType: string
+ Description: Payment information. Only needed when you need to receive money for different accounts. Zalopay system will generate a Payment code (corresponding to each partner bank account provided) and send it back to the partner to set up. Example:{"zlppaymentid": "P4201372"}
- mac string required
It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = app_id +
+ identifier +|
+ zp_trans_token +|
+ pay_token +|
+ req_date; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.
- 200
- 405
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- return_code integer
1: Success, 2: Failed, 3: Processing
- return_message string
Description of return code
- sub_return_code integer
Detail error code
- sub_return_message string
Detail error message
- app_trans_id string
TXID of order transaction
- zp_trans_id integer
The Zalopay's transaction code
- solution_url string
The URL to redirect user to Zalopay payment page
"return_code": 0,
"return_message": "string",
"sub_return_code": 0,
"sub_return_message": "string",
"app_trans_id": "string",
"zp_trans_id": 0,
"solution_url": "string"
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