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Create new binding for the agreement

Create new binding for the agreement

Request Body required

Agreement Binding

  • app_id int64 required

    The unique ID of the application will be provided after the merchant registered successfully with Zalopay.

  • app_trans_id string required

    Unique transaction ID of application, format: yyMMddxxxxxxxxx. Max length is 40. For example: 180208181007242

  • req_date int64 required

    The timestamp that order was created at in ms. The different limit is 15 minutes.

  • max_amount int64

    Maximum permissible amount. The default is real balance.

  • redirect_url string

    "URL of merchant binding page(web), be used in the desktop binding scenario. After the binding process finished, Zalopay auto-debit binding page will redirect to merchant binding page via redirect URL with the binding result."

  • redirect_deep_link string

    "The deep-link of merchant app, be used in the mobile binding scenario. After the binding process finished, Zalopay app will open the merchant app via redirect deep link with the binding result."

  • binding_data string

    JSON string contain binding information, describe which information user will agree to allow merchant to do, using confirmation binding.

  • binding_type string

    Possible values: [WALLET]

    This field specify which type of binding, currently only WALLET is allowed. Default is WALLET if not provided

  • callback_url string


  • identifier string required

    User's identifier on merchant system, it can be merchant user's id, phone number, email...

  • mac string required

    It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = app_id + | + apps_trans_id + | + binding_data + | + binding_type + | + identifier + | + max_amount + | + req_date; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.

    Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.



  • return_code integer

    Return codes:

    1 - SUCCESS

    2 - FAIL


    -500 - SYSTEM_ERROR







  • return_message string
  • sub_return_code integer
  • sub_return_message string
  • binding_id string
  • binding_url string