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Query the balance of a specific user before paying

Query the balance of a specific user before paying

Request Body required

Agreement Balance

  • app_id int64 required

    The unique ID of the application will be provided after the merchant registered successfully with Zalopay.

  • identifier string required

    The user's identifier on the merchant system,it can be a merchant user's id, phone, number, email...

  • pay_token string required

    The public token of the payer.

  • req_date int64 required

    Current timestamp in milliseconds.

  • amount int64 required

    Payment amount.

  • mac string required

    It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = app_id + | + pay_token + | + identifier + | + amount + | + req_date; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.

    Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.



  • return_code integer

    Return codes: 1: Success, otherwise fail

  • return_message string
  • sub_return_code integer
  • sub_return_message string
  • data object[]
  • Array [
  • channel int64

    Payment channel.

  • payable boolean

    If the user can pay on this channel.

  • bank_code string

    Bank code of the channel.

  • ]
  • discount_amount integer

    "The discount amount of the best user's voucher for merchant's order If discount_amount == 0 that means user has no voucher can apply for current order."
