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User Authorization

User authorization describes the process of obtaining a user's consent to access user information. It is based on the industry standard OAuth2.0 authorization mechanism. On the ZaloPay Mini App Platform, developers need to get permission from users in the mini app before obtaining and using their information.


Scope of authorization(scope)A scope represents the scope of permissions that developers need to request user authorization. One authorization can combine multiple scopes for combined authorization. For more information, refer to Scopes description.
Authorization code(auth_code)Temporary user authorization credentials. After obtaining it, promptly exchange it for the access token mentioned below.
Access token(access_token)Long-term authorization credentials, 1 hour expired time. It is used to call from merchant server to Authorization server to obtain user information.
Refresh token(refresh_token)Used to refresh and obtain a new access token after the access token expires. The refresh token expires after 30 days.

Authorization flow

Highlevel flow

Implementation flow

1. Obtain authorization code

The user consent popup will be shown to ask user's consent to access user infomation.

2. Obtain access token

Exchange authorization code for access token and refresh token.

3. Refresh token

When access token is expired, use referesh token to get a new one.

4. Request user information

After getting access token, you will able to get user information that user allowed via Get user info API

Scopes description

user.phonePhone number
user.nameDisplay name
user.identity.infoPersonal information includes: birthday, gender, full_name, permanent_address
user.identity.imageIdentification information includes: id_number, id_type, issue_date ,issue_place, expiration_date, identity_image_font , identity_image_back

User information description

Field nameTypeDescription
user_phoneint64The user phone number
muidstringThe user id, mini app can use this id to identify user
user_namestringThe user display name
birthdayint64Date of birth
genderintGener. 1: Male, 2: Female
full_namestringThe full name of user
permanent_addressstringThe permanent address
id_numberstringThe identity id
id_typeintType of identity card. 1: CMND, 2: passport, 3: CCCD, 4: CMSQ, 5: CCCD with embeded chip
issue_datestringThe issue date
issue_placestringThe issue place
identity_image_fontstringThe front identity image.(base64 format)
identity_image_backstringThe back identity image(base 64 format)