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Get access token

Call this API with authorization code and code verifier, or only refresh_token to get access token

Header Parameters
  • x-secret-key string required

    Secret key, request ZaloPay team to provide this key

Request Body required
  • code string

    This is a authorization code get from zlpSdk.User.getOauthV1Code step

  • code_verifier string

    This is a code verifier generated in zlpSdk.User.getOauthV1Code step

  • refresh_token string

    Used to get a new access_token when expired. Each created access_token will have one refresh_token that has 30 days expire time


data if success or error if failed

  • data object

    only exist if success

  • access_token string

    Access token used to call ZaloPay Authorization API

  • refresh_token string

    Used to get a new access_token when expired. Each created acces_token will have one refresh_token that has 30 days expire time

  • expires_in integer

    Expire time of access_token in milisecond

  • refresh_expires_in integer

    Expire time of refresh_token in milisecond

  • permissions string[]

    List of allowed permissions(scopes) by user

  • error object

    only exist if error

  • error string
  • code integer
  • details object
  • error_info object
  • reason string
  • domain string
  • localized_message object
  • message string