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Zalopay Box


The Zalopay Box is a unique and intelligent device, promising to deliver a fresh and convenient payment experience. Designed to meet the increasing demands of the mobile payment market, the Zalopay Box is not just an ordinary announcement speaker but a modern interactive tool.

The Zalopay Box goes beyond being a simple audio notification source for the payment process; it integrates QR code display technology. This brings convenience to users who want to make payments through their mobile apps. Simply by scanning the QR code displayed on the Zalopay Box, users can easily connect and complete the payment transaction quickly.

With its modern design and intelligent interaction capabilities, the Zalopay Box is not only a payment solution but also part of a comprehensive customer experience. Place the Zalopay Box at payment points, cashier counters, or areas where customers frequently gather to maximize its potential in attracting and serving customers.


  • Static QR
  • Dynamic QR
  • MiniPos

Integration Step



Provide store information in excel file for Zalopay according to format

Merchant StoreIDMerchant PosIDStoreName
ex: StoreID1ex: PosID1ex: StoreName1
ex: StoreID1ex: PosID2ex: StoreName2


Based on the information provided by the partner store, Zalopay will proceed to configure the device corresponding to the store

Static QR

Zalopay configures the QRCode content to display on the Zalopay Box screen

The user scans the QRCode code, enters the amount, and if the payment is successful, the Zalopay Box will emit a notification sound: "Thanh toán thành công + [Số tiền đã thanh toán]". Example: "Thanh toán thành công mười nghìn đồng"

Fast and convenient. Merchants DO NOT HAVE to integrate further, just need to deploy it to their stores.

Dynamic QR


  • The payment QRCode code on the Zalopay Box screen will be deleted after the order's validity period expires (usually 15 minutes or configured depending on the service) and return to the standby screen with the Zalopay Logo after the user pays. math success.
  • After the user makes a successful payment, the device will emit the sound Vietnamese Thanh toán thành công + [Số tiền đã thanh toán] & at the same time the screen will return to standby mode with the Zalopay Logo.


  • Refer to API Create Order
  • In the columninfo field of embed_data, requires proper transmission of fields
ParamData TypeDescription
store_idStringPartner StoreID
pos_idStringPartner PosID. Each POS will correspond to each Cashier
"columninfo": "{\"store_id\": \"Merchant StoreID\", \"pos_id\":\"Merchant PosID\"}"



  • Meets the needs of Static QR and Dynamic QR
  • Besides, the device has an additional keyboard so the cashier can enter the amount, create orders and display QRCode for users to scan and pay.


Only enter order code - static QR
  • The cashier just enters <Order code>, then presses the Enter key
  • On the Zalopay Box screen, a static QR is displayed
  • Users using App Banking/Zalopay/Zalo scan the QRCode code, enter the amount, then proceed to pay
  • When the user makes a successful payment, the Zalopay Box device will play Vietnamese audio Thanh toán thành công + [Số tiền đã thanh toán]
Enter order code and amount - dynamic QR
  • Cashier enters <Order code> + Fn1 key + <Enter amount> and then press the Enter key
  • On the screen, a QRCode will appear corresponding to the Order Code + Amount that Cashier has entered
  • User uses Banking App / Zalopay / Zalo to scan QR code and confirm payment
  • When the user makes a successful payment, the Zalopay Box device will play the sound Vietnamese Thanh toán thành công + [Số tiền đã thanh toán]
  • In case the Cashier makes an incorrect operation, press the Cancel key to start over