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Base definition


Some definitions are used within this document



This is a Zalopay-provided identifier specific to the merchant's service or application, established during the integration agreement for payment methods. Ex: App Id: 123 - App Name: Merchant Web, App Id: 124 - App Name: Merchant App


Information of the user making the payment for the order: id/username/name/phone number/email of the user. If identification is not available, default information can be used, such as the application name, and must not be left blank. Ex: App User: Nguyen Van An, App User: 84903863801, App User:, App User: Merchant App


The merchant transaction code sent through the Zalopay system for the user to proceed with payment. Ex: 20121225_123456789


This is the service identifier/group of services used for payment within the merchant's application. For specific merchants, this information needs to be passed when creating orders. Ex: Merchant provide services: mobile card, game card,...


This is the URL of the merchant. After Zalopay successfully deducts the money, it will notify the merchant of the payment result for the order via the callback method (server-to-server). The callback_url can be dynamically passed for each order or configured as default on the Zalopay system. Ex:


This is the URL of the merchant. This URL is used to redirect from Zalopay back to the partner's shopping page after the customer completes the payment. Supports: AppLink and WebLink. AppLink (Link to open the merchant's mobile app) and WebLink (Link to open the merchant's website). The redirect URL can be dynamically passed for each order or configured as default on the Zalopay system. Ex: