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Create Order

Merchant cashier scan QR Code in the End-User's Zalopay App to deduct the amount

Request Body required
  • app_id int required

    Identification of the application provided by Zalopay.

  • app_user string(50) required

    User Identification likes Id/username... . Use application name if you cannot identify the user

  • app_time int64 required

    The time of order creation (current unix timestamp in millisecond).

  • amount int64 required

    The amount of the order (VND).

  • app_trans_id string(40) required

    Order's transaction code. The transaction-code's format should be yymmdd-order's code".

  • embed_data string(1024) required

    Application's own data. Use "{}" if empty".
    Specific embed_data's fields:

    + DataType: string
    + Format: URL
    + Description: Redirect to this url after successful / failure payment via Zalopay Gateway (This will override the merchant's redirect url registered with Zalopay). Example: {"redirecturl": ""}


    + DataType: json string
    + Format: {"column_name": "value"}
    + Description: Add information into the section Management of transaction details on Merchant site, If the column does not yet exist, please go to the Display data configuration setting to configure. Example: {"columninfo": "{\"branch_id\": \"HCM\",\"store_id\": \"CH123\",\"store_name\": \"Saigon Centre\",\"mc_campaign_id\": \"FREESHIP\"}"}


    + DataType: json string
    + Format: {"campaigncode":"code"}
    + Description: Use to launch promotions campaign. Example: {"promotioninfo": "{\"campaigncode\":\"blackfriday\"}"}


    + DataType: string
    + Description: Payment information. Only needed when you need to receive money for different accounts. Zalopay system will generate a Payment code (corresponding to each partner bank account provided) and send it back to the partner to set up. Example: {"zlppaymentid": "P4201372"}

  • item string(1024) required

    Order's item, defined by the application itself. Use "[]" if empty.

  • mac string required

    Authentication information of the order.
    mac = HMAC(hmac_algorithm, key1, hmac_input)

    hmac_input: app_id +”|”+ app_trans_id +”|”+ app_user +”|”+ amount +"|"+ app_time +”|”+ embed_data +"|"+ item +"|"+ paymentCodeRaw
    key1: Mac Key provided by Zalopay at registration
    hmac_algorithm: is a security method registered by Merchant with Zalopay, the default is HmacSHA256

  • payment_code string required

    Scanned from Zalopay by Merchant's terminal and encrypted by Public Key provided by Zalopay = RSA(paymentCodeRaw, publicKey).

  • description string(100)

    The description of the order, this will display when proceed payment.

  • callback_url string

    Zalopay will notify to this URL when payment completed. If not provided, the default app callback URL will be used.

  • redirect_url string

    Redirect to this url after successful / failure payment via Zalopay Gateway (This will override redirect url set on Zalopay Merchant Portal).

  • device_info string(256)

    JSON string describes the device specification.

  • currency string

    The currency of order. Default is VND.

  • title string

    Optional title of order.

  • userIP string

    User IP Address.



  • return_code int

    1: Success
    2: Failure
    3: Processing, check by API checking

  • return_message string

    Details of the status code

  • sub_return_code int

    Details of the status code

  • sub_return_message string

    Order's status detail information

  • is_processing boolean

    true: Processing
    false: End of transaction

  • zp_trans_id int64

    Zalopay's transaction code
