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Query order status

Query order status

Request Body required

Query order status

  • app_id int64 required

    The unique ID of the partner will be provided after the partner registered successfully with Zalopay

  • partner_order_id string required

    The unique id in partner system

  • time int64 required

    Requests timestamp in ms

  • mac string required

    It is a signature of the order. It’s calculated by following input: hmacInput = (app_id+ “|” + partner_order_id+ “|” + time) and use sha256 with app’s hmac key.

    Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.



  • return_code integer

    1 - SUCCESS

    2 - FAIL

  • return_message string

    Return code description

  • sub_return_code integer

    -101 - Order not found

    -401 - Request param illegal

    -402 - Unauthorized

    -500 - Zalopay system error

    -503 - The system is maintenance

  • sub_return_message string

    Sub return code description

  • data object
  • order_id string

    Merchant transaction code

  • status integer

    1 – SUCCESS

    2 – FAIL

    3 – PROCESSING: Has to repeat query order status in a period of time until final status (configured interval and number of query)

    4 – PENDING: Pending transactions, needs to be manually fixed by internal teams

  • m_u_id string

    User's identity

  • phone string

    User’s phone

  • amount int64

    Transaction amount

  • description string

    Transaction description

  • partner_fee int64

    Partner fee

  • zlp_fee int64

    Zalopay fee

  • extra_info string

    Order extra info, json string

  • time int64

    Transaction timestamp in millisecond

  • zp_trans_id string

    Zalopay's transaction code

  • result_url string

    Zalopay middle_page url for notify merchant about success disbursement result
