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List supported banks

Returns a list of supported banks.

Request Body required

List supported banks request

  • appid string required

    The unique ID of the partner will be provided after the partner registered successfully with Zalopay

  • reqtime string required

    The timestamp that API was requested at in ms.

  • mac string required

    It is signature of request. It's calculated by following input: hmacinput = appid + | + reqtime; and use sha256 with app's hmac key as sign key.

    Please refer to secure data transmission for detailed information.



  • returncode integer

    1 - SUCCESS

    2 - FAIL

  • returnmessage string

    Return code description

  • banks object

    List of supported banks

    Data type: Map(pmcid, Array(bankdto))

    Note about pcmid:

    36 - Visa/Master/JCB

    37 - Bank account

    38 - Zalopay

    39 - ATM

    41 - VISA/Master Debit

  • 36 object[]
  • Array [
  • bankcode string

    Bank code

  • name string

    Bank name

  • displayorder int64

    Display order

  • pcmid int64
  • minamount int64

    Minimum payment amount

  • maxamount int64

    Maximum payment amount

  • ]
  • 37 object[]
  • Array [
  • bankcode string

    Bank code

  • name string

    Bank name

  • displayorder int64

    Display order

  • pcmid int64
  • minamount int64

    Minimum payment amount

  • maxamount int64

    Maximum payment amount

  • ]
  • 38 object[]
  • Array [
  • bankcode string

    Bank code

  • name string

    Bank name

  • displayorder int64

    Display order

  • pcmid int64
  • minamount int64

    Minimum payment amount

  • maxamount int64

    Maximum payment amount

  • ]
  • 39 object[]
  • Array [
  • bankcode string

    Bank code

  • name string

    Bank name

  • displayorder int64

    Display order

  • pcmid int64
  • minamount int64

    Minimum payment amount

  • maxamount int64

    Maximum payment amount

  • ]
  • 41 object[]
  • Array [
  • bankcode string

    Bank code

  • name string

    Bank name

  • displayorder int64

    Display order

  • pcmid int64
  • minamount int64

    Minimum payment amount

  • maxamount int64

    Maximum payment amount

  • ]