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Test resources

Test apps

For development purposes, you can use pre-created credentials without having to register new accounts.

Test bank cards

Credit card

Card numberNameValid thruCVV
4111111111111111NGUYEN VAN A01/25123

ATM cards

Please use bank SBI

Valid cards

IndexCard numberCard nameMember since
19704540000000062NGUYEN VAN A10/18
29704540000000070NGUYEN VAN A10/18
39704540000000088NGUYEN VAN A10/18
49704540000000096NGUYEN VAN A10/18
59704541000000094NGUYEN VAN A10/18
69704541000000078NGUYEN VAN A10/18

Lost cards

IndexCard numberCard nameMember since
19704540000000013NGUYEN VAN A10/18
29704540000000021NGUYEN VAN A10/18
39704541000000029NGUYEN VAN A10/18
49704541000000052NGUYEN VAN A10/18
59704541000000060NGUYEN VAN A10/18
69704541000000086NGUYEN VAN A10/18

Timeout cards

IndexCard numberCard nameMember since
19704540000000039NGUYEN VAN A10/18
29704541000000037NGUYEN VAN A10/18
39704540000000054NGUYEN VAN A10/18

Out of money cards

IndexCard numberCard nameMember since
19704540000000047NGUYEN VAN A10/18
29704541000000011NGUYEN VAN A10/18
39704541000000045NGUYEN VAN A10/18


Login to , go to the menu Hi, [Phone number], then App integrated management to get appid, keys, as well as set up the Callback URL, Redirect URL.

Test cases

Click here to download test cases (in Vietnamese) for each payment product: